In life you make messes you have to clean up.
Today was the day I took care of my mess. It works if you feel grumpy. And I also recommend Johnson's baby lotion, it's in a purple bottle and it says it soothes fussy babies.
I think it was two days ago that we ran this story about canoe trips on the Vermilion river. For some reason the story that made me think of Chicago except in a less intriguing city and in an actual river and not a canal. I'm loosing the La. appeal, or rather I dont think I ever had the La. appeal. The culture and traditions are appealing but other than that I'm spent.
At work some oldies jam came on and I literally wanted to burst out in song and jam hardcore to the sweet sounds blasting through my ear buds or plugs or head phones or mini ear speakers. I was pumped. I was ready to paginate or move mountains, which ever I could do before 1a.m.
And that made me think of a conversation a had a while back. One of my friends told me that we all should have our own intro music. It would be a song that played every time you entered a room. There's a thought.
Today was the day I took care of my mess. It works if you feel grumpy. And I also recommend Johnson's baby lotion, it's in a purple bottle and it says it soothes fussy babies.
I think it was two days ago that we ran this story about canoe trips on the Vermilion river. For some reason the story that made me think of Chicago except in a less intriguing city and in an actual river and not a canal. I'm loosing the La. appeal, or rather I dont think I ever had the La. appeal. The culture and traditions are appealing but other than that I'm spent.
At work some oldies jam came on and I literally wanted to burst out in song and jam hardcore to the sweet sounds blasting through my ear buds or plugs or head phones or mini ear speakers. I was pumped. I was ready to paginate or move mountains, which ever I could do before 1a.m.
And that made me think of a conversation a had a while back. One of my friends told me that we all should have our own intro music. It would be a song that played every time you entered a room. There's a thought.