the messanger.

Tonight I was the messenger and I mentally got shot. Being the messenger is a tough job and I never thought of that until it was me. How many times in life do we actually shoot the messenger? I know it's not on purpose but still I think we do it for convenience.
Look at it this way, we are all receivers and at some moment in our lives we will have to give a message. So in essence we might be shooting ourselves.

Isn't the weather fascinating? No wonder we are always using the weather as small talk. There is always something happening. As a child I would always wonder how the weather person knew just where the cities were. I figured they were just really good at geography.

A couple of days ago I put together a fan myself. I'm sad to report that sometimes (now) it goes a little wacky and the blades hit the sides.
Is this how life is for a copy editor? Speaking of the weather and fans?

I need a new schedule.
