the doubt.

I'm beginning to find the reason why we are all so fascinated with Carrie from Sex in the City. She may not have everything figured out at every moment in her life but I think we are all drawn to her because at the moment she has a problem, she is able to separate her self from the situation to see the bigger picture and try to relate it to a common problem that we all face.

It's hard for me to look past a problem to see the bigger picture and find the ultimate outcome. I'm in a place of doubt. And tonight I realized that I am doubtful for no reason. Sometimes I think we all worry to much about what others think and never stop to think what we want, or what makes us happy without any doubt. Being doubtful is worrying too much.

Don't doubt yourself, I guess that is what I am saying.


redbeantine said…
sex AND the city. get it right or pay the price. see you today!