the ums.

You know when your speech teacher tells you not to say um, but then you think about not saying um so much that you end up saying um?

That's what I am like. I know I shouldnt write like that, but I cant help it. I read this and want to share it but it doesnt come out that way.

Kinda like crazies yelling in the street at 2 a.m. Dont they know that copy editors are the only ones who should be up this late?

Juice boxes? So much is going on in the world and all I could write about was juice boxes. I just get the idea that not everyone has a voice and then I think about what a gift it is to share my opinions with the world and that's when I um.

(the pope has signature red shoes)


redbeantine said…
pope shoes? you're silly- and going gray? whhaaaa?