Gustav update #1.

Lunch time has just ended here in the newsroom and things are picking up.
I regained my strength unlike Gustav after a 10 min power nap.
This is the first time power naps have worked for me.

I'm gonna write down everything I eat.

Breakfast: Ozark water and Otis Somethingorother muffin

Lunch: A bag of snyder's pretzels and a Sprite zero.

We'll see what dinner brings but I'm pretty sure they will serve us some ham, turkey, roastbeef on a padder with open boxes of nature's candy (val, you sure you dont wanna stay here?) fruit, goldfish, twizzlers (which I am gonna steal a lot of tonight and hide them in my desk.

We have cups (purple and gold, which is a sign of triumph I supose) drinks, water and ice. One of which is in a squeaky cooler that wakes me up consantly.

I cant see outside. I'm bundled in my half cubie, stinking and being a little sleepy, waiting to get to work for Acadiana.

(Calling it Acadiana sounds so much more patriotic than Lafayette, dont you think.)

Oh and the top pic is what happens when you google Gustav.
