You go on with what your doing.

I miss Rogue Wave.

Them, Tv on the Radio, fleet foxes, Ryan Adams are the fall music. I think for fall 2008 it will be fleet foxes for me.

I had a good sleep woke up and needed to take a sick day. I've had this tickle in my nose since this morning. It's like a continual right before you sneeze feeling.
I took the day to sneeze, sniff and watch true life.
True life can be addictive, it turns out. Especially when True Life: I'm living off the grid came on. It was about these two people who decided to get rid of all of there resources and just live off the land. It was intense.
The female that was on the show was having second thoughts about the whole situation. She got really excited about something and then they told her that her feelings shouldnt be so intense.

And then she said something that applied to me.

She said that she got into this experience to surround herself with people who she liked and wanted to be like. But in doing so she realized that she was actually pushing away the people that she wanted to be like, such as her friends and family.

It's weird figuring out what you want in life, when you sign up for something that you dont want.

I cant stop wondering what the next months will be like.
