You look like a swimmer.

I hate doubting.
I usually doubt everything in life. I'm a person filled with doubt. I am ready for something to be undoubted.
I just wonder if this is where I should be -- if this is what I should do.

Tonight Nolan said I was beautiful when I just get finished running and when I let my hair air dry. I told him thank you for being sweet and he said, "I'm not being sweet, I'm being genuine."

Life is filled with moments that you just want to soak in and just remember. Today was a good day. I want to talk. Tomorrow will be good, I know because I get to learn something new. Something that I might not be good at right away. I'm ready for a challenge and to love what I do again.
That's how it should be.

And I love this lady. She taught me how to be one.
Thanks Meme.
