the new chap.

My sister once told me something that flavor flav said that inspired her.
He said, "I dont give an F what they think."
She told me that one day when I didnt want to get out of the car because I thought I didnt look good.

She continued, when in your life will you ever see these people again. And when will you remember these people?

It's true. I worry too much about what others think.

Work was rough tonight. I spent the whole night wondering if my coworkers understood that I have a journalism degree.

I'm tired. that's all.

I tired of worrying and people not trusting my judgment. I am completely capable. And most of all I am tired of people saying that journalism is dying. Does no one want to fight? Does everyone just want to laugh that we are struggling? You cant tell a huge media company to fight for jobs for its employees I guess. Now I feel like Jerry Maguire writing his mission statement, or memo.

I would have taken the fish too and Bridget Jones.

I think I might get a fish in May and name it Gilly.

Whatever because next week I vacay.


redbeantine said…
Yay! happy kitchen....ohh, and YEEEAAHHH BOYYEEEE!