Easy Living.

Today I thought about reading a Glamour or girlie magazine from back in the day. I wonder what words fill those pages. I wonder if those magazines helped my grandmother or if she read them for advice.

I found myself thinking that life in the 1940s and before this time, was simple. I doubt my grandmother had much drama, in fact, I doubt the word drama existed before 1990? I wonder if she ever thought about if she should befriend an ex or something along those lines. Come to think of it I wonder if she ever had an ex. I think my grandfather was her first and only, with out any drama attached. I guess love can be simple... or is it just because it was back then. I struggle with decades of love.

I thought a lot today about what I wanted. I considered my perfect job to be a two part deal. One being something that I like to do and pays well, and the other--writing, whatever I want and whenever. I don't really care what the rest of the world thinks is happening, I will always write. When it comes to passion, not even a recession can kill it.

This past Sunday sermon was what I needed. She had been divorced, and admitted that she struggled. And then she said something that really hit me. She said that instead of forgetting the time spent in love with her husband, she would remember it and never deny it. She continued that the end or failure of something big in our lives is the beginning for a chance to make a new. (or the start of the beginning of something new). It was all well put with good intentions, which usually makes up a good sunday sermon.

In the words of my mom, "We'll see."
