
This is what happens when you stab something.

Halloween happens.

Last night I read this NYtimes column and cried. It was beautiful. It was this mother who had two children but one died. She later on decided to adopted another daughter. I was so intrigued by this lady's heart and how she felt about her daughter. I have always thought that the strongest love I will ever come across will be my children. In the column the mother said something in it that brought me to tears it was so true.

"What I do know is this: there is no safe route through parenthood, or through life. When we offer our heart to others, we do not know what will happen to it. It may break. It may grow. It may take us places we never imagined."

I'm stuck on love. I love the idea of love and love reading about it and hearing about it. This column is the best thing. It shows how anyone and everyone feels love. It's packed with comfort and hope.

One of my favorite questions to ask someone is: What is the ultimate thing that both of your parents have taught you?
It's a good way to learn about a person and about their family from the beginning.

Another good thing that happened today was hearing that someone loves to read. It gives me hope that someone is out there reading, no matter if it's a boy who is documenting his journey to be successful in his career or some southern sweetheart who wants to become a sassy northerner. Everyone deserves a voice. Everyone has a voice. And hopefully someone is reading what that voice says.

I love new friends. And even more than that I love having new friends that completely believe in your talents.

P.S. I can post from my phone. hrrah!
