Sometimes you never realize how much some one values you until a rainy day comes along. Today during a down pour my boss pulled out a huge cardboard piece and walked us to the car. And that's how I knew how much he cared.
I keep putting off shoe shopping. Shoes are something that I need desperately. Not any shoes, fall shoes. I guess I am sorta of putting my life on hold. It's fall but I'm in summer temperatures.

So I'm in this funk too and I can't seem to find a way out. I need to stop buying jeans! I think jeans are keeping me in my funk. Maybe all I need is a new do. Come Wednesday and I'll have one.

I have so much excitement for Halloween. It should be good because this time I don't have to work. I can be whatever I want this year I don't have to be a copy editor who is missing out on trick or treats I can be an indian or a vampire bat.

Happy Halloween.
