Sunshine and a song.

Today...this is me. I am two horns short of looking completely like this. Everything is stressful and in a big mess. I feel behind and ahead at the same time. With that said, I keep waiting for something great to happen. I am a writer and I was born to do that. My words were meant for print, that's what I know.

Mates of State tweeted today "There's nothing the demons fear more than fresh air and a sweet song. Get out for a walk and sing." If that is true, I need to keep singing no matter if I am tone deaf. Needless to say that today has been quite a day. Maybe all I need is a routine and a new desk. I think I would rather have a new desk than fix my car (at this moment). For now I think I will just settle for a good cup of coffee.

Until then,
Toad-tally out.
