The equal

It's the little things like this blog app that make my day. Like the things that never get posted:

"Tonight was solace. I watched something scary that made me, at the same time, at peace with everything scary in the world.
It's a fact that I miss my grandfather's spirit. I miss him being the person I could always count on when I was little. He was me hero and my inspiration. He kept me strong and loved my spirit.

I was thinking about him yesterday as I was talking to my dad. Sometime between him lecturing and my mom staring intently, I saw his picture and got side tracked. He was always someone that forced me to smile. I loved that about him. He was a constant reminder of each blessing in my life.
A lot of people say we forget things about our loved ones when we lose them, but I promise I can still imagine his face looking at me when I'm being too silly. I remember his smile and his forced smile, the way his thumbs looked to the way he sat in his chair and loved to talk.
I miss his stories the most. He will always be the most wonderful story ever told.

If he was here I wonder what he would say about my life. I wonder what advice he would give and I wonder which story he would fall into telling.

Its as simple as this: i don't really think anyone deals with death. I think we all just keep going and never stop thinking about the ones we truly loved, and more importantly -- the ones that loved us back."
