it was all about respect.

People surprise you. In fact just when you think you have someone figured out, you begin to realize that you can never figure them out.
Tonight was a night that I was thrown in the middle of respect. I'll just say that I think both sides came out victorious. This is just want I needed. This is just what we needed.

I think all of this is coming out because I ran a mile. I wonder what it is like to run at night. Of course I wouldnt do it because I would get eaten alive by mosquitoes, shot or something worse. Maybe I'll set an alarm, something I havent done in a while, and get a head start on my day.

This is becoming one of those weeks when you feel like you can take on the world.

My new windshield helped. Tonight, driving home on that long stretch beside the field, everything was clear. I was looking out at a new world. The night was pristine but the half moon looked fuzzy. I dont blame the windshield.

Now I just need new running shoes.
