No buts.

So now it comes to this...
Literally working my butt off for these shoes and then I get them and I am still working my butt off. Well, cause that is what they are susposed to do. I splurged.

And now I sit here contemplating if I should splurge again. Once you get something new you sort of want to keep riding aboard that train with those exciting feelings still running through your mind. Should I spurge again? If you have it... why not? But maybe should you save for something else, some else that will be a larger investment later on in the future. Do we really think about splurges? Do we assume that they will hold us over for our next investment? If you look between the lines, you will find that everything is an investment of some sort, including relationships.
Are these relationships investments or splurges? Am I an investment or splurge to someone?

Over time you get to know the answer, I guess the key is patience of how well you invested. It's all about making those decisions and taking a risk. Most investments are a risk.

The first time I heard that word aimed at me, I was 22 and mattress shopping. Who knew that mattress shopping is a risk in an investment? That was my first step into making my own choices. It was stressful. I wanted the best and shopped around for almost a month before I snuggled down into a deal with my first big one. Almost three years later, my investment has paid off.

Now it's time to invest into some lunch.
